Sunday, April 11, 2010

Political Opposition, and the US War Effort

I'm not sure how many of you have heard, but it would appear that a violent uprising in Kyrgyzstan has overthrown the government.

Another example of a repressive regime falling when they tried to push too hard on their population. Of course, this repressive regime happened to have the blessing of the US government. Lovely how we can support a government whose people get so fed up that they take to the streets in opposition, engaging in open warfare with government troops.

And what was the final straw that broke the camel's back, the last insult that put people over the edge? Doubling the cost of power and heating. Is it just me, or do commodities like heat and electricity seem like things that should be rights rather than privileges? Rather like, oh... health care and higher education. But I digress.

What does this event say about the conduct of our wars abroad? Our support for regimes that have proved time and again to be wildly unpopular by the people who they rule, yet get the support of our government in our "war to spread democracy," even when these governments try their damnedest to stifle democracy within their own nations?

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